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Last polls before the election

Friday, April 1st, 2022

All the pollster companies project a Fidesz victory in the Sunday election, but a former conservative MP who is now a supporter of the opposition is still hopeful that Fidesz will be defeated on Sunday. Centrist and pro-government pundits on the other hand take Fidesz victory for granted. READ MORE

Conflicting polls on the chances of the opposition

Saturday, December 18th, 2021

Based on a yet unpublished but leaked opinion poll, a left-wing outlet castigates the opposition for ceding the initiative and the lead to the government side, while the left-wing nationwide daily publishers poll results which show the opposition ahead of Fidesz. READ MORE

Opposition and government neck and neck

Friday, August 27th, 2021

A leading pollster finds no substantial changes in the popularity of the two opposing camps among the electorate. He characterises the race as extremely tight at this juncture. READ MORE

An analysis of the failure of opinion polls in the US

Friday, November 6th, 2020

As the result of the US election was still too early to call, a centrist analyst ponders the failure by pollsters to predict the closeness of the presidential race and concludes that this reveals deep problems within American democracy. READ MORE

A wake-up call for the opposition

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

A centrist political scientist thinks the government has been successful in handling the coronavirus emergency, while the opposition has remained almost invisible throughout the past three months. READ MORE

Left-wing poll shows growing discontent

Friday, April 24th, 2020

A public opinion poll conducted by the German Social Democratic Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Policy Solutions, a Hungarian think tank, shows that a slight majority of Hungarians believe the country is worse off than ten years ago. A pro-government analyst suspects that the pollsters put the wrong questions.


Fidesz still most popular among young Hungarians

Saturday, December 22nd, 2018

While most of the anti-government demonstrators over the past ten days in Budapest and some major cities were young people, a fresh opinion poll shows that Fidesz is still way ahead of its competitors among the young. READ MORE

Fidesz popularity unbroken

Friday, November 30th, 2018

A conservative political scientist claims that due to Fidesz migration politics, radical parties are much weaker in Hungary than in most European countries. READ MORE

Dwindling support for opposition

Tuesday, August 28th, 2018

As opinion polls show the steady attrition of the electoral base of the opposition parties, a pro-government columnist attributes their harsh rhetoric to their despair. READ MORE

Fidesz lead grows further

Saturday, November 4th, 2017

A left-wing and a conservative commentator offer diametrically opposed explanations for the record high popularity enjoyed by Fidesz in opinion surveys. READ MORE