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Weeklies on the electoral campaign

Monday, May 27th, 2024

Left-wing and liberal commentators lambast the campaigning style of the government, while pro-government weeklies see the electoral clash as a confrontation between ‘the forces of peace and sovereignty’ on the one hand, and ‘war and globalism’ on the other. READ MORE

An insider on the secret of Fidesz’s success

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023

A pro-government pundit reveals the main points of his freshly published booklet in which he describes the political skills that have made the ruling party dominant and left it without real rivals in Hungarian politics. READ MORE

Weeklies’ battlefield reports on the final stretch of the electoral campaign

Monday, March 28th, 2022

With just one week to go until the parliamentary elections, left-wing analysts are less confident in their electoral expectations than their pro-government counterparts. READ MORE

Left accused of teaming up with Nazis

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022

The leading pro-government daily devotes two comments in as many issues to accuse the left of condoning pro-Nazi behaviour in its bid for power two weeks before the general election. READ MORE

Opposition ‘should prove it can govern’

Friday, January 28th, 2022

An independent but opposition-leaning pundit lambasts the leaders of the opposition for still not coming forward with a consistent government program. READ MORE

Weeklies weigh up Márki-Zay

Monday, January 17th, 2022

Pro-government pundits claim the opposition candidate for Prime Minister is absolutely unfit for the job. Left-wing commentators also remark on his clumsiness, but disagree whether this is a weakness or a strength. READ MORE

Weeklies on the possible outcome of next year’s parliamentary elections

Monday, November 8th, 2021

Weekly newspapers and magazines study the prospects of opposition parties in the Hungarian parliamentary elections due in just under six months’ time. Voices close to the opposition are optimistic, cautious or even critical of their own camp. A columnist close to the incumbent government, on the other hand, warns of a witch-hunt if the current opposition win. READ MORE

Leftist icon cautions against hatred in electoral campaign

Saturday, September 11th, 2021

An iconic leftist philosopher warns opposition politicians that hateful campaign messages do not make those who use them any better than their opponents – and only produce havoc and injustice. READ MORE

Lionel Messi and the Olympics as campaign themes in Hungary

Thursday, August 12th, 2021

Events which appear to have no connection whatsoever to Hungary, or on which a national consensus seems to exist, are used by politically committed commentators to discredit their opponents. READ MORE

The pandemic – a campaign theme for 2022

Saturday, May 8th, 2021

A liberal commentator holds the government responsible for the deaths of thousands of Covid victims, while a pro-government columnist accuses the opposition of weaponizing death in their campaign for next year’s elections. READ MORE