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A left-wing take on the attempted murder of the Slovak PM

Saturday, May 18th, 2024

A leftist columnist warns that hate speech may easily transmute into violence. READ MORE

Europe’s leaders seen as helpless after the London Bridge attack

Wednesday, June 7th, 2017

After the  terrorist attack on Saturday night in London, commentators suspect that European leaders, the British government among them, have no idea how to protect their citizens against random terror attacks. READ MORE

Syrian-Cypriot migrant border rioter sentenced to 10 years in jail

Saturday, December 3rd, 2016

A conservative columnist thinks that the court was right to sentence a Syrian migrant with residence in Cyprus for inciting a riot, using force against the police and crossing the border illegally. But she finds it deeply problematic that such behaviour is regarded as ‘terrorist activity’ under Hungarian law. READ MORE

Police officers hit by IED in Budapest

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

Commentators reject widespread and mutually contradictory conspiracy theories about Saturday’s blast in downtown Budapest in which two police officers on foot patrol were seriously wounded. READ MORE