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Weeklies on where Hungary stands in today’s world

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Leftist and liberal authors accuse the government of turning its back on western allies, while pro-government commentators believe Hungary’s leaders are simply desperately trying to preserve peace on the continent. READ MORE

Péter Magyar’s new party registered to run for seats in the European Parliament

Saturday, April 13th, 2024

A left-wing commentator thinks that Péter Magyar may score a significant moral victory over the government if his new TISZA party makes it to the European Parliament and joins the European People’s Party. READ MORE

A liberal take on 2023

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024

A liberal commentator chastises the population for withdrawing into their private lives instead of changing the course of events in Hungary. READ MORE

A left-wing take on the Left’s defeat

Thursday, April 21st, 2022

A leftist analyst describes PM Orbán’s fourth consecutive landslide electoral victory as a historic setback for the Left. READ MORE

Opposition landscape after defeat

Tuesday, April 12th, 2022

Neither a pro-government nor a centrist pundit believe the opposition is likely to honestly investigate the causes of their electoral defeat, and thus will miss yet another chance to reconsider their strategy. READ MORE

An independent analyst on Fidesz’s victory

Friday, April 8th, 2022

A former liberal party chair, who also served for a time as a Fidesz MP, ascribes the landslide victory of the government side to its success in embracing the concerns of blue-collar Hungary. READ MORE

Left-wing takes on the defeat of the opposition

Thursday, April 7th, 2022

The left-wing nationwide daily carries three opinion columns in one single issue on why the opposition suffered a crushing defeat in Sunday’s elections and what it should do next. READ MORE

Analysts on why the opposition lost the election

Wednesday, April 6th, 2022

Columnists identify two reasons behind the failure of the opposition to unseat PM Orbán’s government: the lack of unity within its ranks, and a failure to understand those described as the losers of globalisation. READ MORE

Fidesz wins two-thirds majority for the fourth time in a row

Monday, April 4th, 2022

Both a pro-government and a liberal pundit predict that after Sunday’s landslide Fidesz victory, the opposition alliance will disintegrate. READ MORE

Weeklies on the election

Saturday, April 2nd, 2022

Commentators from right across the political spectrum see the election as an existential battle for Hungary’s soul and future. A former liberal MP also considers the vote as an important chapter in the battle for a new global order. READ MORE