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Right-wing parties gain support in EU elections

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

A pro-government columnist pokes fun at the mainstream European press for ringing the alarm bell at the strengthening of hard-right parties in Europe. READ MORE

Poll shows slump in support for Fidesz

Thursday, April 25th, 2024

An independent political observer has reservations about the latest opinion poll which suggests that Fidesz lost 10 percentage points from its voting base, while a pro-government pundit calls these data manipulated. READ MORE

Right-wing breakthrough predicted in Europe

Friday, November 10th, 2023

A left-wing columnist predicts that right-wing forces will win the elections for the European Parliament next year. READ MORE

Weeklies on French riots and the resignation of the Justice Minister

Monday, July 10th, 2023

A liberal analyst attributes the week-long rioting throughout France to institutional racism, while a right-wing commentator asks how masses of second and third-generation immigrants can be fully integrated.

Commentators disagree sharply on the reasons behind the resignation of Justice Minister Judit Varga and her new role as lead Fidesz candidate for the European Parliament elections in 2024.