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Weeklies on where Hungary stands in today’s world

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Leftist and liberal authors accuse the government of turning its back on western allies, while pro-government commentators believe Hungary’s leaders are simply desperately trying to preserve peace on the continent. READ MORE

Pope Benedict remembered

Friday, January 6th, 2023

A conservative commentator calls Pope Benedict one of the last Europeans. A left-wing liberal philosopher accuses the government of using religion as a political tool. READ MORE

Illegal migration still seen as a major threat

Friday, January 21st, 2022

A pro-government pundit finds it reassuring that Hungary is protected from what he calls ‘increasingly violent migrants’ by a strong border fence and armed guards. The Hungarian fence also defends Europe, he suggests. READ MORE

Diverging views on Hungary’s place in Europe

Monday, August 9th, 2021

Pro-government commentators portray Hungary as a defender of traditional European values. Their liberal counterpart, on the other hand, accuses the Hungarian governing party of building disturbing strategic partnerships within and beyond the EU. READ MORE

PM Orbán’s 20 August address

Saturday, August 22nd, 2020

Prime Minister Orbán calls on Central European countries to create a strong alliance grounded in Christian values and help return Europe to its traditional norms. READ MORE

Hungary shuts the border

Thursday, March 19th, 2020

A pro-government columnist welcomes the government’s decision to shut down Hungary’s borders. His left-wing counterpart suggests that border closure is just another propaganda stunt and the government is not helping Hungarians cope with the coronavirus epidemic. READ MORE

Environmentalism seen as a threat to European competitiveness

Saturday, January 25th, 2020

Commenting on events at the Davos World Economic Forum, a pro-government analyst thinks that what he calls ‘the advance of green ideology’ is jeopardizing Europe’s competitiveness and the welfare of Europeans. READ MORE

Europe 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall

Thursday, November 14th, 2019

A left-wing and a conservative pundit look back at the past three decades. They agree that the optimism of the early 1990s has disappeared, and Europe is facing a deep crisis. READ MORE

Notre Dame burns down

Thursday, April 18th, 2019

A pro-government commentator interprets the destruction of Notre Dame as an allegory for the decline of European Christianity. A left-wing columnist, on the other hand, thinks that Notre Dame was a symbol of a common European culture and identity. READ MORE

PM Orbán calls for a strong Central Europe

Monday, November 19th, 2018

A pro-government columnist agrees with the Prime Minister’s strategy to strengthen Central European regional cooperation. A left-wing commentator thinks Viktor Orbán’s hopes for Central Europe are just pie in the sky. READ MORE