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EU court fines Hungary

Saturday, June 15th, 2024

In the latest of his highly opinionated columns, a pro-government pundit vituperates against the court ruling. READ MORE

Government opposes EU migration pact

Friday, April 12th, 2024

The pro-government nationwide daily claims that illegal immigration should be stopped instead of being regulated and, thus,  ‘normalised.’ READ MORE

Hungary and Poland oppose EU migration pact

Tuesday, July 4th, 2023

Pro-government commentators reject the planned relocation mechanism for asylum seekers from frontline states to other EU member countries, while a left-wing columnist believes that the idea will be pushed through, despite Hungarian and Polish resistance. READ MORE

Hungary opposes EU budget amendment

Wednesday, June 28th, 2023

A pro-government daily reproduces a Facebook comment by a leading government official criticising the amendments the European Commission has put forward to the budget of the European Union. READ MORE

Hungary and Austria spar over the release of human traffickers

Wednesday, May 24th, 2023

As Hungary releases hundreds of foreigners convicted for human trafficking, a liberal and a conservative observer ponder whether the government’s decision was the right one – politically and juridically. READ MORE

Weeklies on the Prime Minister’s address

Monday, August 1st, 2022

The six opposition-leaning weeklies condemn practically in unison the speech delivered by the Prime Minister last Saturday. One pro-government weekly simply summarises his words, while another praises his central message. READ MORE

Illegal migration still seen as a major threat

Friday, January 21st, 2022

A pro-government pundit finds it reassuring that Hungary is protected from what he calls ‘increasingly violent migrants’ by a strong border fence and armed guards. The Hungarian fence also defends Europe, he suggests. READ MORE

V4 summit in Budapest

Thursday, November 25th, 2021

Prime Minister Orbán calls on the European Union to drop infringement procedures against Hungary and Poland, and help them protect Europe from illegal immigration. READ MORE

Poland-Belarus migration crisis escalates

Monday, November 15th, 2021

A pro-government commentator accuses Angela Merkel of complacency towards illegal migration. A liberal MEP lambasts the Polish authorities for not admitting migrants, while, at the same time, calls on the EU to help Poland defend its borders. A moderate columnist is concerned over the humanitarian crisis but has no idea how to resolve it. READ MORE

Belarus/Poland migrant crisis

Friday, November 12th, 2021

A liberal and a conservative commentator accuse Belarus and Russia of using migration as a weapon to blackmail the European Union. A pro-government commentator identifies Angela Merkel’s ‘Willkommenskultur’ rhetoric as the main cause of the current crisis. READ MORE