Saturday, February 23rd, 2019
A pro-government columnist welcomes the government’s decision to admit more than 300 Venezuelan individuals with Hungarian ancestry. A left-wing commentator agrees with the decision, but finds it peculiar that humanitarian help should be conditional on ethnic kinship. READ MORE
Saturday, October 6th, 2018
As Ukraine and Hungary exchange diplomatic blows over Hungarian dual citizenship in Ukraine, a pro-government and a left-wing columnist ponder how Budapest can best protect the interests of the Hungarian minority in that country. READ MORE
Saturday, January 12th, 2013
A liberal pundit ponders the implications of Gérard Depardieu’s newly acquired Russian citizenship and criticises the government’s intention to keep graduates in Hungary if they enjoy free university tuition. READ MORE
Thursday, April 19th, 2012
PM Orbán has a tough job ahead if he wants to foster Central European co-operation, while Slovakia is bent on taking new discriminatory measures against ethnic Hungarians. READ MORE
Saturday, February 18th, 2012
A pro-government commentator criticizes Slovakia for stripping ethnic Hungarians who apply for Hungarian passports of their Slovak citizenship. A liberal columnist, who also finds the Slovak policies unacceptable, adds that both sides follow the same nationalist logic. READ MORE
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
“A curse on you, Slovak politicians!” – thunders radical columnist Zsolt Bayer in Magyar Hírlap, after an elderly Hungarian woman lost her Slovak citizenship, as a consequence of being granted citizenship by Hungary. READ MORE