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PM Orbán opens the last week of the campaign

Tuesday, June 4th, 2024

Despite their diverging judgements on the contents of the Prime Minister’s speech, commentators agree in describing the Budapest ‘peace march’ on Saturday as an impressive show of strength. READ MORE

Péter Magyar mobilized another massive rally

Tuesday, April 9th, 2024

Opinions diverge on both the size of the crowd cheering the new opposition star on Saturday and his chances to bring about a regime change. READ MORE

March 15 kicks off the electoral campaign

Monday, March 19th, 2018

Commentators continue to analyse the Prime Minister’s speech on the anniversary of the 1848 revolution, and the chances of the fragmented opposition in the forthcoming parliamentary election. READ MORE

Pro-government ‘Peace March’ on national holiday

Thursday, March 15th, 2018

A prominent pro-government columnist explains that he and his friends have called for a pro-government demonstration in order to save Hungary from the opposition and the threat they believe it represents to national identity. READ MORE

Peace marchers intend to put hope into pro-government side

Saturday, March 3rd, 2018

One of the organisers of the pro-government march planned for March 15 thinks many supporters of the government have been discouraged and need a show of force to regain their self-confidence. READ MORE

New ’Peace March’ scheduled for March 15

Friday, March 2nd, 2018

As leading government supporters announce a mass walk in Budapest for the anniversary of the 1848 revolution, a critic of the government thinks Fidesz cannot simply trash its anti-Soros campaign, although it realises its drawbacks. READ MORE

The end of the ‘Peace Marches’?

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015

Gábor Bencsik, the younger of the Bencsik brothers, defends András Bencsik’s statement that a pro-government ’Peace March’ could not be organised nowadays, because people are disappointed with the Fidesz government. He calls on the government to listen to friendly criticism. READ MORE

Another ’Peace March’ ahead?

Wednesday, November 5th, 2014

One of the organisers of a series of pro-government mass demonstrations says that despite the government’s resistance, another so-called ‘Peace March’ will be held in order to react to recent opposition demonstrations against the planned net tax and to show that the majority is on the government’s side. READ MORE

’Hunger Marchers’ reach Budapest

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

An influential right wing pundit claims the demonstration is a joint MSZP-Jobbik attack on the government, while independent bloggers accuse the official parliamentary guard of complicity in setting up a counter-demonstration banner in front of Parliament. A libertarian commentator finds it rather sad that marching people still expect the government to provide them with “work and bread”, instead of asking for a truly free market and the rule of law. READ MORE

Arts Academy, National Theatre and universities as battle grounds in the culture wars

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

A leading pro government columnist likens the current student demonstrations in Hungary to what happened in France in 1968 and warns the students that the organisers of this year’s “peace marches” (mass rallies in support of the Fidesz government) won’t hesitate to call for a third one if the need arises. READ MORE