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PM Orbán stands for a European sovereignist alliance

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

A conservative critic of the government believes that the two rival right-wing groups of the European Parliament will find it hard to merge. READ MORE

Le Pen urges alliance with Meloni

Wednesday, May 29th, 2024

Commentators try to assess the chances of a new united radical right-wing alliance within the European Union – and Fidesz’s potential role in it. READ MORE

Fidesz lambasted for not honouring Navalny

Saturday, March 2nd, 2024

A left-wing columnist believes the governing party will remain isolated in Europe. READ MORE

Commentators reject accusation by Italian antifascist defendant

Friday, February 9th, 2024

Pro-government columnists dismiss allegations of appalling prison conditions made by an Italian woman who stands accused of grievous bodily harm against people whom her group suspected of being neo-nazi sympathisers. READ MORE

An account of how PM Orbán was pressurised to agree to the Ukraine aid package

Tuesday, February 6th, 2024

According to a leaked story from the day preceding last week’s EU summit, EU leaders divided roles among themselves in a concerted effort to persuade the Hungarian leader to drop his veto. READ MORE

PM Orbán’s stance on Ukraine ‘vindicated’

Tuesday, January 16th, 2024

A pro-government columnist interprets former Polish Premier Morawiecki’s words on Russia as PM corresponding to what his Hungarian counterpart has been saying since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine READ MORE

Opposing takes on the elections in the Netherlands

Saturday, November 25th, 2023

A left-wing commentator describes the victory of the right wing in the Netherlands as a shock for Europe, while a leading pro-government website introduces the victorious leader as a friend of Hungary. READ MORE

PM Orbán’s interview with Tucker Carlson draws huge audience

Friday, September 1st, 2023

According to one commentator the Prime Minister contradicted himself in the interview, while news outlets mostly point out the reactions to his words. READ MORE

Meloni seen as moving towards the centre

Wednesday, August 9th, 2023

Observers on both sides of the political divide revise their assessment of the right-wing Italian Prime Minister, although what is views as a negative phenomenon for one is seen as a positive sign for the other. READ MORE

Hungary and Poland oppose EU migration pact

Tuesday, July 4th, 2023

Pro-government commentators reject the planned relocation mechanism for asylum seekers from frontline states to other EU member countries, while a left-wing columnist believes that the idea will be pushed through, despite Hungarian and Polish resistance. READ MORE