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PM Orbán’s interview with Tucker Carlson draws huge audience

September 1st, 2023

According to one commentator the Prime Minister contradicted himself in the interview, while news outlets mostly point out the reactions to his words.

In his interview with conservative American TV host Tucker Carlson who visited Hungary last week, PM Orbán hoped Donald Trump will return to the White House after next year’s election because ‘that would put an end to the war in Ukraine’. The Hungarian Prime Minister described Hungarian-American relations as ‘absurd’ and claimed that the US administration treats Hungary worse than it does Russia. The interview has been viewed by over 90 million people online.

On Index, Benedek Balizs quotes Mr Orbán as saying to Tucker Carlson that Russia doesn’t represent a serious threat to Hungary because it is not even strong enough to defeat Ukraine. The commentator believes the Prime Minister contradicted himself, as he also said that the fate of a war is ultimately decided by the number of people each side can afford to lose, and Russia is incomparably richer in human resources than Ukraine. It is unclear, Balizs writes, whether the Prime Minister suggests Russia will win the war or not.

Mandiner features a reaction by Donald Trump who wrote ‘thank you Viktor Orban’ on his social media site where he shared an excerpt from the interview.

24.hu quotes a reaction by X (former Twitter) owner Elon Musk who shared the recorded interview on his platform adding; ‘interesting‘, and remarking that Hungary is trying hard to solve its reproduction rate problem.

As Magyar Nemzet reports, in a comment under Elon Musk’s post, President Novák invited him to the ‘Demographic Summit’ to be held in Budapest later in September where one of the key speakers will be Prime Minister Georgia Meloni of Italy.

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