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Le Pen urges alliance with Meloni

May 29th, 2024

Commentators try to assess the chances of a new united radical right-wing alliance within the European Union – and Fidesz’s potential role in it.

In Népszava, Tamás Rónay deems French radical right-wing party leader Marine Le Pen’s quest to unite the two right-wing groups in the European Parliament futile. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, he writes, firmly rejects the idea of merging European Conservatives and Reformers (ECR), her group within the European Parliament, with Le Pen’s Identity and Democracy (ID), mainly because the latter includes parties sympathising with Russia in the conflict in Ukraine.

On the Heti Világgazdaság website, on the other hand, Viktória Serdült finds such a merger feasible, especially after the Alternative for Germany party was expelled from ID. Prime Minister Orbán, she writes originally intended to lead the establishment of a united right-wing European party group, but if such a merger takes place, he will have no role in it. Serdült sees it unlikely for the ECR to accept Fidesz in its ranks, as several members oppose the Hungarian Prime Minister’s stance on Ukraine. Prime Minister Orbán, she writes, might find it easier to join a new united group, if the two right-wing formations merge after the June European election.

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