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’There is a better alternative’, according to Ferenc Gyurcsány

Tuesday, September 26th, 2023

A pro-government analyst describes Mr Gyurcsány’s season-opening address as a collection of dangerous ravings. READ MORE

More reactions to PM Orbán’s ’Transit’ speech

Thursday, August 31st, 2023

A pro-government columnist praises the Prime Minister’s analysis at the Fidesz ’Transit’ festival last Saturday on what makes the right wing so successful. An independent analyst sees DK leader Ferenc Gyurcsány’s reaction as a ‘response in kind’. READ MORE

Weeklies on the state of the opposition a full year after the last general election

Monday, April 10th, 2023

Opposition-leaning commentators paint a desolate picture of the chances of the opposition to vote Fidesz out of office any time soon. A pro-government columnist describes the recipe that in his mind has kept the governing forces unchallenged over the past years. READ MORE

Gyurcsány slams fellow opposition leaders

Saturday, April 8th, 2023

An independent analyst agrees with the DK leader who has stated that the opposition couldn’t achieve anything without him. A pro-government analyst suggests that Mr Gyurcsány’ party has grown at the expense of other opposition forces. READ MORE

Row between Momentum and DK continues

Thursday, March 9th, 2023

As a prominent Momentum figure condemns Ferenc Gyurcsány’s welcoming gesture to Mrs Rácz Földi, the newly sworn-in MP of his party, a liberal pundit thinks the DK leader did a great service to the government side. READ MORE

Momentum shadow boxes with the DK

Friday, March 3rd, 2023

A left-wing analyst believes that Momentum is too weak to seriously challenge the Democratic Coalition. READ MORE

Weeklies on season-opening opposition rallies

Monday, February 13th, 2023

Speeches by opposition leaders last weekend, at the start of the new ‘political season’ offer both pro-and anti-government commentators scant evidence that the opposition could mount a credible challenge to Fidesz in the foreseeable future. READ MORE

Opposition starts the new year disunited

Wednesday, February 8th, 2023

Commentators on both sides of the political divide are sceptical about the prospects of the opposition posing any kind of threat to Fidesz any time soon. READ MORE

Ruminations on the weakness of the opposition

Monday, January 9th, 2023

Commentators all across the political spectrum agree that in its fragmented and weak szate, the opposition is not likely to be a challenge for Fidesz any time soon. READ MORE

Gyurcsány brands Orbán a ‘fascist’

Thursday, December 1st, 2022

As Ferenc Gyurcsány calls the Prime Minister a ‘fascist’, a pro-government commentator retorts that the leader of the Democratic Coalition is mentally deranged. READ MORE