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PM Orbán re-elected Fidesz chairman

Tuesday, November 21st, 2023

A pro-government pundit celebrates Fidesz unity, while liberal commentators point out that Viktor Orbán was the only candidate for party chairman. READ MORE

The opposition isn’t profiting from Fidesz’s loss of popularity

Saturday, October 7th, 2023

A left-wing analyst finds it devastating for the opposition that it has not been able to increase its voting base at a time when economic difficulties have eroded support for the governing party. READ MORE

PM Orbán on adversaries who ’want to force us to our knees’

Friday, September 22nd, 2023

The only nationwide pro-government print daily publishes excerpts from the Prime Minister’s address to the season-opening assembly of Fidesz MPs in Esztergom on Wednesday. ‘Our opponents want to force us to our knees during the forthcoming year’, Mr Orbán claimed. READ MORE

Catholic Primate among Fidesz faithful at Kötcse

Thursday, September 14th, 2023

Left-wing commentators lambast Cardinal Erdő, the head of Hungary’s Catholic Church attending the annual Fidesz gathering at Kötcse where PM Orbán drew up his plans for the immediate future. READ MORE

PM Orbán opens the ‘political season’

Tuesday, August 29th, 2023

Commentators offer starkly opposing evaluations of the Prime Minister’s words at his party’s annual ‘Tranzit’ festival in Tihany, at Lake Balaton. READ MORE

Pro-Fidesz film producer elaborates on his attack on Fidesz oligarchs

Monday, August 21st, 2023

László Pesty likens a whole group of influential oligarchs to early 20th-century Sicilian mafiosi and urges the Fidesz leadership to get rid of them. READ MORE

Crowd chants ‘dirty Fidesz’ at Budapest rock festival

Saturday, August 19th, 2023

A liberal commentator appreciates the anti-Orbán performance of the rapper whose fans chanted ‘dirty Fidesz’ at the annual Sziget (Island) festival in Budapest, while pro-government authors take the case as proof that Hungary is a free country. READ MORE

Fidesz still far ahead in polls, despite spreading gloom

Friday, March 31st, 2023

A liberal analyst finds a striking contradiction between growing public pessimism about their own prospects and the continued support the ruling party enjoys among voters. READ MORE

An insider on the secret of Fidesz’s success

Thursday, March 23rd, 2023

A pro-government pundit reveals the main points of his freshly published booklet in which he describes the political skills that have made the ruling party dominant and left it without real rivals in Hungarian politics. READ MORE

Fidesz dissolves local branch after lost election

Saturday, January 28th, 2023

A left-wing columnist calls on the left to learn from its own failures – just as Fidesz does. READ MORE