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PM Orbán re-elected Fidesz chairman

November 21st, 2023

A pro-government pundit celebrates Fidesz unity, while liberal commentators point out that Viktor Orbán was the only candidate for party chairman.

In Magyar Nemzet, Ottó Gajdics describes Fidesz as Europe’s most successful political community and points to the ‘indestructible’ unity of the governing party as a source of hope amidst the multiple crises in today’s world and the ‘self-defeating reactions of Europe’s leaders who are unfit for the job’. The main message of the Fidesz Congress was its resolve to protect Hungary’s sovereignty against the ‘Soros Empire launching attacks from Brussels and Washington’, he suggests.

On 444.hu, Sándor Czinkóczi and Balázs Kristóf describe the Fidesz congress as an insignificant political event, given that surprises were out of the question from the outset. There were no competing candidates even for the posts of vice chairmen, they write, let alone for that of party leader. Czinkóczi and Kristóf believe that delegates were more interested in the experience of meeting Viktor Orbán and feeling part of a political community, than in seeking excitement in the rivalry of a genuine competition.

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