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Hungary sides with the EU on Ukraine

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022

As PM Orbán assures the European Union that Hungary ’is part of the joint EU stance’, media outlets are cautiously dramatic in reporting Russia’s decision to send troops into eastern Ukraine, after President Putin recognised the independence of the two breakaway regions. READ MORE

Hungary calls for calm over Ukraine

Thursday, January 27th, 2022

As Foreign Minister Szíjjártó calls on his European counterparts to refrain from anything that might intensify East-West confrontation over Ukraine, a left-wing columnist thinks the danger of a war has become more real than at any moment since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. His pro-government colleague accuses Ukraine of fomenting hysteria. READ MORE

Hungary supports Kazakh government

Wednesday, January 12th, 2022

An alt-left pundit vituperates against the government for supporting the Kazakh authorities, while a pro-government columnist condemns what he calls one-sided assessments of the Kazakh crisis. READ MORE

Foreign Minister slams EU sanctions against China

Thursday, March 25th, 2021

A left-liberal columnist accuses the government of subservience to China, while a pro-government columnist finds a liberal MEP more sensitive towards the rights of Uighurs than those of ethnic Hungarians in Ukraine. READ MORE

Debate over vaccination rolls on

Monday, January 25th, 2021

Left-wing and liberal commentators accuse the government of acting irresponsibly, by promoting Russian and Chinese Covid-19 vaccines. Pro-government pundits, on the other hand, accuse the opposition of hindering the fight against the pandemic, in the hope that more death and economic slowdown will help them win the 2022 election. READ MORE

Ukraine accused of intimidating Hungarian minority

Tuesday, December 15th, 2020

A left-wing commentator condemns the Ukrainian authorities for persecuting local ethnic Hungarians who sang the Hungarian Anthem. She believes, nonetheless, that the Hungarian government should be less tough on Ukraine. READ MORE

Prospects of US-Hungarian relations

Thursday, November 12th, 2020

A liberal and a right-wing commentator both predict that US-Hungarian relations will deteriorate under President-elect Biden. READ MORE

EPP leader Tusk calls Hungary a ’degenerate democracy’

Wednesday, October 28th, 2020

A pro-government commentator suggests that Donald Tusk and liberals in the EU criticize Hungary and accuse its government of violating basic EU norms, simply in order to divert attention from the EU’s failure to cope with the coronavirus. READ MORE

FM rejects Biden’s remark on Hungary

Tuesday, October 20th, 2020

A conservative analyst suspects that Mr Biden could not point to Hungary on the world map if he really cannot see the difference between Belarus and Hungary. A left-liberal author accuses Foreign Minister Szíjjártó of wanting to please Putin by criticising Joe Biden. READ MORE

Hungary supports Poland on Belarus

Wednesday, August 19th, 2020

As Foreign Minister Szijjártó supports Poland’s proposal to end the conflict in Belarus, a liberal pundit accuses the government of serving Russia’s geopolitical interests. A pro-government commentator dismisses the accusation and welcomes the government’s pragmatism. READ MORE