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War of words over Ukraine conflict

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

Pundits from all sides of the political spectrum ponder the implications and use of EU sanctions on Russia and the ‘national consultation’ the Hungarian government has called to discuss them. READ MORE

Conflicting takes on mobilisation in Russia

Friday, September 23rd, 2022

While both a left-wing and a conservative author read the ‘partial mobilisation’ announced by Russian President Putin as proof of Russian failure in Ukraine, the main pro-government daily blames the United States for the war. READ MORE

Fears over nuclear fallout

Monday, September 5th, 2022

A liberal weekly accuses Russia of weaponizing the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. A pro-government commentator, on the other hand, thinks that Ukraine is targeting nuclear facilities in the hope of securing even more support from the West. READ MORE

Conflicting views on the Ukraine war

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Conservative and right-wing pundits accuse the West and the US of provoking Russia into war, adding that peace can be negotiated only by Washington and Moscow -a bullet point underlined by Viktor Orbán in his keynote speech to Republicans in Dallas. A liberal analyst, on the other hand, deems it crucial for the EU and NATO to stop Putin in order to avoid another world war. READ MORE

Dissecting Hungary’s approach to the war in Ukraine

Monday, July 25th, 2022

The Hungarian weeklies, and the weekend editions of the daily papers ponder Hungary’s relationship to the Russian-Ukrainian war, and where EU sanctions on Russia might lead. READ MORE

Weeklies on the Ukraine war, sanctions, and the EU

Monday, July 11th, 2022

Commentators disagree sharply on what should be done to bring about peace in Ukraine, as well as over the rights and wrongs of the painful sanctions on Russia. READ MORE

Fear of Europe drifting into war

Monday, June 27th, 2022

Two pro-government commentators ponder the chances of the escalation of the Ukraine war into a conflict between Russia and Europe – or even a Third World War. READ MORE

Ruminations on Putin’s Victory Day address

Wednesday, May 11th, 2022

A conservative commentator dismisses Russian President Putin’s Victory Day speech, as a collection of ‘big fat ideological lies’  aimed at sustaining the ‘phantasm’ of a just war in Ukraine – to motivate those Russians who still believe it. READ MORE

Pro-government columnist on the war in Ukraine

Friday, April 22nd, 2022

A conservative analyst finds the prospect of a prolonged war in Ukraine frightening and urges efforts to reach an early settlement. READ MORE

Prospects of Visegrád cooperation

Monday, April 18th, 2022

Left-wing and liberal pundits contend that the Ukraine war has divided the Visegrád Group and frozen Hungarian-Polish diplomatic relations. Conservative analysts, however, are optimistic that the V4 will remain a key regional actor in the EU once the Ukraine war is over. READ MORE