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Attitudes to migration as a test for East and West within the EU

In the heat of the German electoral campaign, Chancellor Angela Merkel has lambasted Hungary for refusing to accept the redistribution of refugees within the European Union. In the light of her comments, Hungarian weeklies wonder how relations between Hungary and the EU, and in a wider context, between   Western and Eastern ...

Luxembourg Foreign Minister would expel Hungary from the EU

A left-wing daily and a conservative commentator both consider the termination of Hungary’s EU membership as proposed by Mr Asselborn as an exaggerated reaction to the bitter divergences which have emerged over the migration crisis.

Hillary Clinton’s health problems

Commenting on the sudden collapse of the democratic presidential nominee during Sunday's 9/11 anniversary commemoration at Ground Zero, the leading left-wing daily complains that neither candidate is willing to release relevant data about themselves, while a radical conservative commentator suspects that the scene was the beginning of the end of Mrs Clinton’s presidential aspirations.

Fidesz MP accused of being graft ring Voldemort

A left-wing commentator believes that it would be extremely difficult to cover up the latest corruption scandal probably involving a Fidesz MP.

All over for Uber in Hungary

Just like most public issues in Hungary, Uber’s pull-out divides commentators along political lines, with those on the left-liberal side accusing the government of protecting corrupt interests, while pro-government authors claiming that Uber does not excel at paying taxes.

Referendum on EU migrant redistribution quotas disputed

Left-wing and liberal pundits interpret the Hungarian government’s referendum against migrant quotas as a vote against the EU. Pro-government columnists, on the other hand, argue that the referendum is not about Hungary’s EU-membership.

Speculation about President Áder’s future

Commentators give credence to rumours that the Prime Minister doesn’t want Mr Áder to be re-elected next year. Opinions diverge, however about the reasons and one source claims that the President took the job four years ago for a single term anyway.

A former banker in the Panama Papers

Following two former politicians, a former prominent banker has also been named as one of the “Panamanian offshore knights.” An independent conservative pundit blames both left and right for talking the talk but not walking the walk on those who dodge tax with offshore accounts.

Hungarian parties lose ground in Slovakia

Hungarian newspapers try to make sense of the chaotic political situation after the elections in Slovakia, and ponder what it means for relations between the two countries.

PM Orbán’s state of the nation address

Commenting on PM Orbán’s annual speech, conservative and pro-government columnists agree with the Prime Minister that the migration crisis is a grave threat to Europe and Hungary. Left-wing commentators, on the other hand, accuse Orbán of anti-EU policies and of ignoring the will of the Hungarians.