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Conflicting takes on Hungary’s coronavirus balance sheet

Left-wing and liberal commentators accuse the government of risking the lives of Hungarians by mishandling the coronavirus epidemic. Pro-government columnists, on the other hand, dismiss such criticism as fear-mongering demagoguery.

Weeklies on EU recovery fund deal

The weeklies, and the weekend editions of the dailies ponder the broader implications of the EU recovery fund and the next 7 year budget. Liberal analysts see it as a step towards a more unified Europe, while a Marxist philosopher interprets it as the end of the European dream. Conservative ...

Showdown within Jobbik

Right-wing commentators explain the infighting within the formerly radical right-wing party as a direct consequence of the shift toward moderation it embarked upon 5 years ago, under founding leader Gábor Vona.

Jobbik elects new leader

On the pages of a liberal weekly, the new chairman of the formerly far right party suggests that opposition parties should face the next elections with joint candidates for individual constituencies, but two separate party lists nationwide (the Hungarian electoral system combines both to elect a Parliament of 199 deputies). ...

George Soros is still a trump card in politics

A left-wing commentator accuses the government of trying to woo anti-Semitic voters with its anti-Soros campaign. A pro-government pundit dismisses the accusation as absurd.

Government to overhaul how culture is financed

Left-wing and liberal commentators accuse the government of changing the way culture is financed, in order to bring it under its control. Pro-government pundits dismiss the accusations.

PM in conflict with Supreme Court

After the Prime Minister’s spokesman has sharply criticised a ruling by the Supreme Court to scrap over 4000 postal votes, which resulted in the loss of one Fidesz mandate, a pro-government columnist urges the state to react.

Therapies for a left-wing recovery

Two weeks after the general election, commentators on both sides of the main political divide  try to figure out whether the opposition parties will ever become a match for Fidesz or whether a new one can replace them.

What comes after the election?

Two weeks after the Parliamentary election, weeklies and weekend editions of dailies from across the political spectrum wonder if and how the opposition can recover from such a devastating blow.

Gyurcsány denounces ‘MSZP declaration of war’

As the leaders of the two main left-wing parties exchange blows, analysts and pundits across the political spectrum assess the chances of the Left at the 2018 election.