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Momentum backs fellow liberals in neighbouring countries

Tuesday, November 19th, 2019

A pro-government analyst criticises the new liberal party for backing Romanian and Slovak candidates in neighbouring countries, instead of supporting representatives of the substantial Hungarian minorities there. READ MORE

Momentum MEP on Hungarians in Slovakia

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

A pro-government columnist lambasts politicians of the liberal Momentum party for supporting liberal parties in Slovakia and Romania. A left-wing commentator finds such dialogue more helpful in achieving Hungarian minority aims than ethnic representation. READ MORE

Weeklies on the first days of opposition rule in Budapest

Monday, November 11th, 2019

Weeklies wonder if the opposition parties who defeated Fidesz in almost half of the big cities, including the capital, will become its real challenger at the 2022 Parliamentary elections. READ MORE

Rev. Donáth and daughter accused of sexual harassment

Monday, August 19th, 2019

Pro-government outlets accuse Lutheran pastor László Donáth, a former MSZP MP and father of Momentum MEP Anna Donáth of sexually harassing employees at his Church’s nursing home, while a liberal weekly accuses the government-run media of launching a smear campaign to harm its opponents. READ MORE

Opposition MEPs to vote against Fidesz nominees for EP positions

Friday, July 12th, 2019

A left-wing columnist welcomes the decisions of both Momentum and the Democratic Coalition to vote against the Fidesz nominees for key positions in the European Parliament. A pro-government commentator, on the other hand, finds it sad that Hungarian liberal MEPs will vote against their fellow citizens in the European Parliament. READ MORE

Weeklies on new balance of power on the left

Monday, June 10th, 2019

A right-wing analyst ponders whether Fidesz will once again have to face a single left-wing opponent, just like a decade ago, while left-wing commentators wonder whether Momentum will be able to represent a liberal pole on the Hungarian political scene. READ MORE

Chances of left-wing cooperation

Thursday, May 30th, 2019

According to a left-wing and a liberal pundit, left-wing opposition parties can defeat Fidesz in the autumn Budapest municipal elections. A pro-government commentator suspects that even existing cooperation agreements will have to be renegotiated by the two strongest opposition parties. READ MORE

First reactions to EP election results

Monday, May 27th, 2019

Columnists all across the political spectrum ponder the implications of the European Parliamentary election on Hungarian and European Union politics. READ MORE

Opposition parties run separately for the EP elections

Monday, April 1st, 2019

A pro-government analyst describes the chances of all opposition forces in the EU elections as poor. A liberal weekly hopes they will run united in the mayoral elections this autumn and in the parliamentary elections in three years’ time. READ MORE

Left-wing war pits all against all

Monday, November 6th, 2017

As left-wing parties continue to argue over whether to run jointly or separately in next Spring’s general election, commentators across the political spectrum agree that the Left has little chance to defeat Fidesz in 2018. Left-wing parties, they assume, are competing with each other to lead the opposition, rather than with the governing parties. READ MORE