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Ukraine files WTO lawsuit against Poland, Slovakia and Hungary

Wednesday, September 20th, 2023

A well-known jurist doesn’t think that Ukraine’s complaint to the World Trade Organisation will be successful. READ MORE

Weeklies on Hungary’s links with East and West

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Critics accuse the government of leaning towards Russia and leading the country out of the Western alliance, while a pro-government commentator dismisses that view. READ MORE

Left-wing author dismisses plans to catch up with the EU average as unrealistic

Friday, September 8th, 2023

A left-wing historian who lives in California suggests that the Hungarian government is chasing a mirage with its economic policies. READ MORE

FM demands the restoration of the rights of ethnic Hungarians in Ukraine

Wednesday, September 6th, 2023

Despite their ideological differences, left and right-wing columnists agree with the Foreign Minister’s protestations against measures in Ukraine curbing the rights of Hungarians. READ MORE

Soros Foundation ends most EU operations

Thursday, August 17th, 2023

A right-wing analyst predicts that liberal Hungarian NGOs will not be left without western funding, while a liberal observer lambasts a government luminary who compares the Soros network to an occupying army. READ MORE

Weeklies on US-Hungary relations

Monday, August 7th, 2023

Although the new restrictions on visa-free travel imposed by the United States on Hungarian citizens will not create problems for most visitors, the weeklies see them as a serious development, a litmus test of the deterioration of Hungary’s ties with its main ally. READ MORE

Most Hungarians wouldn’t fight for their country – survey

Tuesday, August 1st, 2023

A liberal pundit thinks the government’s refusal to send weapons to Ukraine reflects the feelings of a large majority of Hungarians. READ MORE

Hungary and Poland oppose EU migration pact

Tuesday, July 4th, 2023

Pro-government commentators reject the planned relocation mechanism for asylum seekers from frontline states to other EU member countries, while a left-wing columnist believes that the idea will be pushed through, despite Hungarian and Polish resistance. READ MORE

Business analyst worries about Hungary’s marginalisation within the EU

Thursday, June 15th, 2023

An independent investment analyst fears that by alienating EU institutions, Hungary may find itself on the periphery of the community with frightening consequences for growth and living standards. READ MORE

Hungary rejects planned EU migrant quotas

Tuesday, June 13th, 2023

A pro-government commentator writes that compulsory migrant quotas cannot be imposed on Hungary, as under the country’s Fundamental Law, constitutional bodies must decide on their own whom to allow to settle on Hungarian soil. READ MORE