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Details of 2007 espionage case released

After the publication of details of the 2007 espionage scandal in which Russian FSB agents had access to sensitive information on Hungarian secret agencies, a pro-government commentator finds it peculiar that politicians who in 2007 compromised Hungary’s security now accuse the government of serving Russian interests.

Former counter-espionage officer appointed state secretary

Liberal commentators note that former Communist secret service personnel have never really left Hungarian politics as no government has had the will to get rid of them. Earlier, a leading pro-government pundit and the organisers of the pro-government “peace marches” called for the removal of the newly appointed state secretary ...

Russian cyberattacks on the Foreign Ministry corroborated

A left-wing analyst urges FM Szíjjártó to resign, because it turned out that his ministry lied when it denied the Russian cyber-attacks, while a pro-government pundit accuses the Left of falsely accusing the government of what they are doing themselves – selling out Hungary’s interests.

Further comments on the US-sponsored billboard campaign

The pro-government nationwide daily devotes two columns in as many issues to the billboard campaign financed by the US Embassy, which indirectly criticises the position of the Hungarian government on the war in Ukraine.

Hungary promises to keep Russian-controlled bank in check

A pro-government accuses a left-liberal site of ‘engaging in espionage’ after it reported that PM Orbán promised the US ambassador in private that the Hungarian authorities will not let the Russian-controlled International Investment Bank set up its headquarters in Szabadság Square, opposite the US Embassy.

Russian collusion charges rejected as selective

A pro-government columnist finds the charges of collusion with Russia, which have been levelled against critics of the liberal mainstream, as both ungrounded and selective.

Further dispute over Migration Aid

A liberal commentator finds unrealistic the dismissal by Migration Aid of Magyar Idők’s accusations concerning alleged illicit data collection and cooperation with foreign governments.

Dispute over National Bank recruitment 

A conservative columnist criticizes the National Bank for hiring former counterespionage officers. A pro-government economist, on the other hand, alleges that its critics want to take revenge on the National Bank for cutting into the profit of financial speculators. 

Rogán accused by Portik

Claims by Tamás Portik, a prominent figure from the Hungarian underworld, that he gave a leading Fidesz politician the equivalent of 10 million forints in Euros receive a different reception in left and right wing media. Pro-government news outlets find contradictions in his testimony, while the leading left-wing daily is undecided.

Former chief spy blames allies for Brussels terror

A onetime leading intelligence service official condemns western allies who have ridiculed the Belgian secret services after the two terror bombing attacks in Brussels. He claims that Belgian counter-espionage operations have been deliberately weakened at the request of partner services, which are omnipresent in Brussels.