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July 4th, 2015
An independent conservative pundit remarks that the West is suggesting the very same therapy to Greece it severely criticised when it was applied by Hungary. He thinks advertisements should be heavily taxed and TV ad time severely cut back, but not just in order to reduce public deficits.
June 23rd, 2014
Népszabadság calls the news-retaliation tactics employed by RTL “inelegant”; Élet és Irodalom condemns those colleagues who would like to take their own share of the ads tax spoils, while Magyar Nemzet thinks complaints about those matters disprove earlier allegations that the press is not free in Hungary.
June 13th, 2014
A left-wing columnist accuses the government of introducing censorship through a selective media advertisement tax. A pro-government commentator, on the other hand, welcomes the taxation of commercial media outlets with little added social value.
June 4th, 2014
The leading pro-government daily says a proposed new law would endanger media freedom without aubstantially benefiting the budget.
February 7th, 2015
The dailies build long stories around one single sentence uttered by the owner of Magyar Nemzet and HírTV, according to which any increase in the ads tax to be paid by most media outlets will lead to “a total media war.” (According to estimates, this would mean an increase from ...
December 13th, 2014
A conservative columnist welcomes Ildikó Vida's libel lawsuit against André Goodfriend. A left-wing pundit considers the ongoing Hungarian-US skirmishes harmful.
November 7th, 2014
Left-wing commentators accuse the government of having lied for two weeks by claiming not to know if the President of the Tax Authority was one of the six Hungarians banned from entering the United States, on suspicion of corruption. A leading politician reiterates that Mrs Vida never informed the cabinet.
October 28th, 2014
The leading left-wing daily describes how Sunday’s protest against the planned internet tax turned into an overall anti-Fidesz demonstration. A moderate blog wonders if the opposition will in the future try to counter the government through similar, not necessarily non-violent mass rallies.
March 13th, 2014
In an unsigned editorial, Népszabadság suggests that the recent scandals concerning MSZP politicians who are accused of tax fraud and bribery are lethal to the identity of a left wing party.
January 3rd, 2014
Népszabadság calls the project a capitulation to tax evasion and deplores a police search in the home of a tax fraud whistle-blower. Meanwhile, fact-finding journalists continue their quest to either prove or disprove the whistle-blower’s allegations.