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Bayer’s Knights’ Cross still a cover story

The leading left-wing daily devotes most of its front cover and page 3 to the case of the pugnacious pro-government columnist who received a high government award. The number of earlier recipients who have now returned their awards has now reached one hundred. A centrist author thinks Bayer’s apology has ...

Zsolt Bayer awarded the Knight’s Cross

The leading left-wing daily accuses the government of institutionalizing racist language by rewarding the controversial journalist Zsolt Bayer with one of Hungary’s highest state orders. A conservative columnist, on the other hand, ridicules a protest by a growing number of former nominees who have returned their awards.

Bayer denies racism charge and predicts the demise of ‘white Christian Europe’

Zsolt Bayer, known for his controversial statements, and often accused of racism and anti-Semitism, sums up his credo and defends himself against the charges.

Bayer rejects racism charge

A leading pro-government columnist accuses left-liberal protestors of misrepresenting his position on the Roma, in the wake of the latest knife attack on two young sportsmen in a night club. His editor-in-chief and the owner of Magyar Hírlap promise to be more careful in the future.

EU court fines Hungary

In the latest of his highly opinionated columns, a pro-government pundit vituperates against the court ruling.

Two takes on the EU elections

A pro-government pundit ridicules commentators who see the European elections as a setback for Fidesz. A left-wing analyst praises Péter Magyar for his performance but warns that he must improve his skill at facing critics.

First comments after President Novák’s resignation

A liberal analyst believes the opposition’s job is to pinpoint Prime Minister Orbán as the main cause of the paedophile pardon scandal, while the government side will try to use its media power to defend itself. A pro-government pundit writes that the events have shown Fidesz’s moral superiority.

Bulgaria withdraws tax on Russian gas to Serbia and Hungary

A pro-government columnist suspects that the idea to impose a tax on the TurkStream gas pipeline was suggested to Bulgaria by the United States.

US Ambassador receives judges again

The main pro-government daily carries two columns lambasting the US Ambassador after he received leading figures of the National Juridical Council. They condemn Ambassador Pressman even more sharply than after the first such meeting a year ago (see BudaPost, November 3, 2022).

Another row with the US ambassador

A pro-government pundit rebuffs Mr Pressman’s critique of PM Orbán’s meeting with President Putin in Beijing.