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Péter Magyar’s case seen as a crisis for Fidesz

March 30th, 2024

An independent political analyst takes the challenge posed by the former Fidesz insider as a rehearsal of how the fall of Fidesz could kick off one day.

In an interview with Magyar Hang, political scientist Gábor Török points out that for the first time in fourteen years, Fidesz has been unable to dominate the political agenda for a full month, as ‘nobody speaks about anything other than Péter Magyar’s corruption accusations’. Except, he continues, that Fidesz is trying to divert the public debate towards his ex-wife’s claim that he submitted her to regular emotional abuse (see BudaPost, March 29). Török suspects that her ‘coming out’ about intra-family feuds, no matter how sincere, may have been the idea of government spin doctors. Török finds Magyar’s case significant because ‘regimes like this usually cannot be defeated by the opposition’. They fall as a result of internal rifts. Their supporters, he writes, will never follow opposition leaders but may decide to stand behind a rebel from within their own ranks.

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