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Who could benefit from voter registration?

Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

Commentators discuss the government’s plan to introduce mandatory voter registration, and caution that pre-registration may not be a useful tool to keep angry, politically under-informed and possibly radical voters away from the ballot box. READ MORE

A Party politician for President – why not?

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

While the whole Hungarian political and media scene tries to guess who the next President will be, following Pál Schmitt’s resignation last week, a leading centrist analyst believes that despite some concerns, it would not necessarily be a problem if  the choice falls on a party politician. READ MORE

In search of a new President

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

According to the Constitution, Parliament has to elect the successor of President Pál Schmitt within 30 days, but a popular centrist observer thinks we will find out the new candidate within a week. READ MORE

Strasbourg red star ruling stirs emotions

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Conservative and liberal commentators ponder whether the European Court of Human Rights was correct to rule that Hungary violated the principle of free speech when it banned the red star symbol. READ MORE