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Dispute over gender studies

Monday, August 13th, 2018

As the government proposes to cancel the accreditation of gender studies university degree programs, left-wing and liberal pundits accuse it of ideologically driven interference in higher education. Conservative commentators are divided on the proposed ban. READ MORE

Civilizational stakes at the 2018 election

Thursday, February 8th, 2018

A pro-government pundit thinks that the April election will determine Hungary’s ‘civilizational path’. Voters need to decide if they want strong nation states, Christian values and traditional families – or the opposite. READ MORE

ELTE to launch gender studies program

Monday, February 27th, 2017

Conservative commentators fulminate as Eötvös Loránd University announces plans to open a degree program in gender studies. A left-wing pundit, on the other hand, accuses the critics of gender studies of trying to force their ideological vision on Hungarians. READ MORE

Should night-clubs turn gender-blind?

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

Columnists disagree on a decision by the Equal Treatment Authority, according to which free entry to night clubs offered for women only is discriminatory and thus should be banned. READ MORE