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President-elect Trump and Hungary

Friday, November 11th, 2016

Although the President-elect of the United States obviously has no policy towards Hungary yet, a conservative analyst thinks that Viktor Orbán’s early support for his candidacy may have been noticed by his entourage. READ MORE

Last comments before US Presidential election

Wednesday, November 9th, 2016

Two conservative commentators express scepticism regardless of the outcome of the Presidential election in the United States. Both of them recall that Barack Obama started out with the promise of ending an era of armed interventions eight years ago but failed to fulfil that promise. READ MORE

Hillary Clinton’s health problems

Wednesday, September 14th, 2016

Commenting on the sudden collapse of the democratic presidential nominee during Sunday’s 9/11 anniversary commemoration at Ground Zero, the leading left-wing daily complains that neither candidate is willing to release relevant data about themselves, while a radical conservative commentator suspects that the scene was the beginning of the end of Mrs Clinton’s presidential aspirations. READ MORE