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US-Russian summit outcome seen as a slap for Ukraine

Saturday, June 19th, 2021

A foreign policy analyst interprets the statements following the meeting between the two presidents as proof that the United States has given up on its plans to integrate Ukraine into NATO – at least for the moment. READ MORE

Weeklies on strategic issues

Monday, February 15th, 2021

Three weeklies devote long articles to Hungary’s place in the world and its attitude towards its own history. This comes in reaction to the increasingly visible animosity between the government and several important international allies, who demonstratively back the standpoint of the Hungarian opposition. READ MORE

Western concerns over Klub Radio

Friday, February 12th, 2021

Reacting to misgivings expressed in Paris, Brussels, and Washington over the future of the left-liberal Hungarian radio station, commentators draw equally bitter but opposing conclusions. READ MORE

Weeklies on President Biden’s first week in office

Monday, February 1st, 2021

A liberal jurist believes the Biden administration must be a source of concern for the Hungarian government, but he does not expect it to produce fundamental changes in Hungary. A pro-government columnist wonders where the ‘identity politics’ ostentatiously represented by the new administration will lead the United States. READ MORE

Biden provokes cautious concern on the Hungarian Right

Wednesday, January 27th, 2021

A pro-government columnist hopes that the Hungarian government will be able to establish ‘pragmatic relations’ with the Biden administration. READ MORE

PM predicts conflicts in the EU

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

A liberal foreign policy expert agrees with the Prime Minister in expecting the government to come under intense international pressure this year. READ MORE

Antony Blinken named as next US Secretary of State

Monday, November 30th, 2020

Commentators across the political spectrum try to guess how US-Hungarian diplomatic relations will develop under the new US administration. READ MORE

Prospects of US-Hungarian relations

Thursday, November 12th, 2020

A liberal and a right-wing commentator both predict that US-Hungarian relations will deteriorate under President-elect Biden. READ MORE

First comments on Biden’s victory

Monday, November 9th, 2020

Although they have been heavily committed to Biden during the campaign, left-wing observers are nevertheless only moderately optimistic about the outcome. A right-wing commentator, on the other hand, paints a gloomy picture, not merely of America’s future, but above all of Hungary’s ties with the US. READ MORE

An analysis of the failure of opinion polls in the US

Friday, November 6th, 2020

As the result of the US election was still too early to call, a centrist analyst ponders the failure by pollsters to predict the closeness of the presidential race and concludes that this reveals deep problems within American democracy. READ MORE