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Historical justice, or a blunt tool with which to beat Socialists?

A left-wing commentator believes that the government wants to stigmatize the Socialists by establishing in law that the Socialist Party (MSZP, the successor of the Communist  MSZMP), shares responsibility for the crimes of the pre-1989 regime. A right-wing observer, however, welcomes the proposal and suggests that victims of the Communist ...

Hungarian Watergate

A pro-government commentator believes that Socialist officials guilty of illegal practices while in government should be jailed, or at least voluntarily withdraw from politics. Left wing analysts don’t believe the latest spy story.

More light!

Right wing commentators join their colleagues on the left to demand more transparency in the latest spy scandal, in which a former Socialist cabinet minister is allegedly implicated.

‘The crying game’

"I am not sure whether everyone has fully grasped yet how serious this is”, comments political scientist Gábor Török on the latest spy scandal. By the time that file is closed, Hungarian democracy will have lost a player. The closet is already full of skeletons - accusations, defamations, and presumptions - ...

Victims or dominos?

A spy scandal replete with allegations of wrongdoing against two former heads of Hungary’s counter-espionage service, as well as a former Socialist cabinet minister responsible for supervising the secret services, has provoked conflicting commentaries in the press. All the more so, as the details have been classified as state secrets ...