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New synagogue inaugurated in Kecskemét

A Jewish news portal welcomes the opening of the new synagogue and finds no problem with the fact that the Prime Minister’s name is inscribed on the inaugural marble plaque.

Siege of Budapest anniversary

75 years after an attempted breakout by over twenty thousand German and Hungarian troops besieged in Buda Castle only two per cent of whom made it to the German lines, opinions diverge about the commemorations held on the anniversary.

12th district mayor praised for confronting family history

A rabbi welcomes Budapest 12th district mayor Zoltán Pokorni’s courage in facing up to his family history and publicly discussing his grandfather’s involvement in the murder of Jews in World War Two.

Imre Nagy statue to be removed to new site

A conservative critic of the government accuses the governing party of failing to find a place in its ideology for the remembrance of the martyred Prime Minister of the 1956 revolution.

Fidesz accused of anti-Semitism again

As the government pledges to fight anti-Semitism and other forms of racism, a group of western European intellectuals accuses Fidesz of anti-Semitism. A left-wing columnist agrees, the two pro-government dailies protest.

More comments on November 7

Over the past few days, Internet news sites swarmed with commentaries on the hundredth anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution, but only one of the nationwide weeklies dedicated its editorial to the anniversary.

Dispute over Charlottesville violence

Right-wing, libertarian and left-wing commentators interpret the Charlottesville events in the light of Hungarian politics.

Lukács’ statue removed

Ahead of a memorial event planned in the park where the communist philosopher’s statue stood until late March, two opposing views have been expressed in the press on whether or not György Lukács should be revered as a valuable part of Hungary’s intellectual heritage.

US Ambassador to the UN criticizes Hungarian government

A pro-government columnist rejects the accusations of state-sponsored anti-Semitism suggested by Samantha Power, the US Ambassador to the UN. A left-wing commentator, on the other hand, thinks that by tolerating racist discourse, the government has endangered good relations with the US.

Patriotic vocabulary on national holiday

On the memorial day of the founding of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1000 AD, a centrist pundit enumerates the nouns used to describe Hungarians and their country in an exercise that may help visitors and foreign observers to understand the public discourse in Hungary on national issues.