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Pundit scorns rival opposition candidates

May 15th, 2024

A left-liberal commentator finds it tragic that left-liberal parties run against mainstream opposition candidates in several Budapest districts in the June municipal elections.

On Klubrádió, János Dési compared rival leftist candidates in the 12th and 8th districts of Budapest to the two goats in Aesop’s tale who refuse to give way to each other and both tumble into a ravine. The Democratic Coalition will run for mayor in the 12th district of the capital against Twin-Tail Dog party leader Gergely Kovács, the winner of the opposition primary there, while in the 8th district, the Socialist Party will confront joint opposition candidate and incumbent mayor András Pikó. Both the DK and the MSZP demanded more councillor candidates in those districts and chose to run on their own when their request was rejected. In both cases, Dési said,  Fidesz might defeat the opposition, as a result of the rivalry. Meanwhile, he also condemns the Twin-Tail Dog party for running against the opposition mayor in the 3rd district and former liberal Mayor Ferenc Gegesy who is running against the liberal 9th district mayor. ’All this does not suggest that these are people fit for government’, Dési complains.

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