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A liberal take on Fidesz’s peace-centred campaign

May 28th, 2024

A commentator dislikes Pm Orbán’s claim that each and every vote cast for Fidesz is a vote for peace – but admits that it might prove effective.

On 444, Attila Rovó, a new staff writer, formerly working at Index and Telex admits that narrowing down the electoral campaign for the municipal and European elections onto peace versus war might prove a ‘magic weapon’ for Fidesz – as effective as utility tariff cuts were in 2014 or anti-Soros and anti-migrant slogans in 2018. In addition, he continues, one day, when there will be a ceasefire and peace in Ukraine, Mr Orbán could easily say “That’s what we have been preaching for years. Why didn’t you listen?” And if he wins the European elections (and Fidesz wins more seats than all its opponents together –  even if less than the current 13), Rovó concludes, it will interpret the result as a mandate to cultivate its good relations with “China, Turkey, etc” – and thus, ensure business opportunities there if controversies with allies limit Hungary’s access to money and markets in Europe.

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