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A left-wing commentator blames Netanyahu for Hamas attack on Israel

October 11th, 2023

The author of the first left-wing analysis on the massive onslaught by Hamas on Israeli civilians over the weekend believes PM Netanyahu’s intransigence paved the way for the brutal Hamas attack.

In Népszava, Mária Gál agrees with the general view that the Israeli intelligence service and army should have been prepared to foil the attack on Israeli settlements by Hamas. Nevertheless, she accuses PM Netanyahu of deliberately pursuing an intransigent policy in order to create a tense atmosphere that would help him remain in power. Gál suggests that during his 14 years as Prime Minister, Mr Netanyahu swept the two-state solution off the agenda, a move supported by US President Donald Trump during the second half of the past decade. She predicts that the Israeli government will find scapegoats for the intelligence failure within Mossad and other special services but asserts that the main responsibility lies with the government itself whose policies have pushed Palestinians into the arms of Hamas.

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