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Fidesz popularity remains unscathed

December 22nd, 2022

In a comment on a recent by-election result in Budapest, a left-wing columnist fears that the opposition is losing whatever has remained of its credibility and support.

According to the left-liberal IDEA Institute’s December poll, Fidesz is maintaining a clear lead. Fidesz is supported by 31 per cent of the electorate, followed by the Democratic Coalition (12 per cent) and Mi Hazánk (4 per cent). The main parties’ popularity stands exactly where it stood a year ago – before the April Parliamentary election.

Népszava’s Péter Németh writes that the opposition is in a deep trouble, and is losing what remained of its credibility and support. The left-wing commentator notes that most by-elections since April have been won by Fidesz candidates, including one last Sunday in the 20th district in Budapest which has for three decades been dominated by left-liberals. Németh notes that the governing party’s popularity is unbroken, despite rapid inflation and the economic crisis. Németh contends that this shows that the opposition has failed to come up with a credible alternative vision, so voters keep supporting the government despite all their daily economic problems.

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