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Government reduces gas use in public buildings

September 12th, 2022

The leading online business media outlet comments on the government’s decision to save heating gas as another indication that the European energy crisis has deep implications for Hungary too.

On Thursday, Cabinet Minister Gergely Gulyás announced that the government decided to cut gas use in public institutions by 25 per cent. Public buildings (other than hospitals and social care institutions) will be heated to 18 Celsius only.

Portfolio comments on the gas saving decision by pointing out that Hungary has not been spared by the global energy crisis. The leading online business news outlet notes that the Hungarian government has so far criticized drastic efforts in Western Europe to reduce gas consumption, but could not avoid restrictions of its own, as the European energy crisis does not stop at Hungary’s borders. According to Portfolio’s calculation, Europe may face gas shortages in the second half of the winter, in the absence of Russian gas.

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