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Coronavirus fears mount with still just 12 confirmed cases

March 11th, 2020

As the number of patients who have tested positive with coronavirus is mounting slowly, an anti-government commentator fears that Hungary’s medical infrastructure is inadequate to cope with a possible outbreak of the epidemic.

In Népszava Rudolf Ungváry, a fierce critic of the government who describes the current political system as ‘mutant fascism’, believes that an 83 year-old Budapest citizen like him will not be able to make it to an intensive care bed in hospital, should the coronavirus epidemic reach mass dimensions. He believes intensive care units and automatic ventilators are in short supply and could only treat a small portion of elderly people, who would risk suffocating without respiratory treatment if tens of thousands of people are infected by the virus. He criticises the authorities for, in his view, failing to inform the public about what they plan to do in case of an emergency. He also castigates the opposition for failing to formulate a strategic position on the issue.

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