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Organizations funded from abroad accused of serving foreign interests

November 30th, 2019

A prominent pro-government security expert thinks that both the Islamic State terror group and Hungarian-born financier George Soros use humanitarian organizations for their political aims. He calls on the secret services to remain vigilant and defend free elections.

In Magyar Nemzet, József Horváth asserts that humanitarian and environmentalist organizations which receive foreign funding often serve foreign political interests. Horváth, who served as a senior military counter-intelligence official under the first Fidesz government until 2002, claims that both radical Islamist movements and groups involved in what he refers to as the ‘Soros project’ operate propaganda organizations registered as NGOs. As for the former, Horváth suspects they want to ‘infiltrate and radicalize’ European societies that accept multicultural values. As an example, Horváth mentions that throughout Europe, Muslim candidates are elected as mayors of major cities. As for the ‘Soros project’, Horváth suggests that members of this network facilitate mass immigration in order to earn higher profits. This foreign funded network consists of humanitarian organizations, he writes. As examples, Horváth mentions Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and an anti-corruption network devised jointly by Mr Soros and the Obama administration. Horváth concludes his article by suggesting a link between the success of opposition candidates in the October local elections and the activity of foreign funded organizations. He calls on the secret services to stay vigilant in order to ensure that Hungarian elections ‘remain free of foreign interference.’

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