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A liberal take on the Left’s alleged anti-Semitism

January 25th, 2019

A liberal commentator thinks that the Hungarian government is accusing the Left of anti-Semitism for purely strategic purposes. He also claims that, in the meantime, the government side relies on anti-Semitic tropes.

On Index.hu, Gergely Tóth contends that the Hungarian Right is accusing the Left of anti-Semitism to suit its pragmatic political goals. Accusing the Left of anti-Semitism helps the government to claim that it stands for basic European values, the liberal commentator points out. He goes on to note that this stance helps the government to convey the message that Muslim immigrants are a threat to Jews as well, and accuse the pro-migration Left of playing into the hands of anti-Semites. Tóth also thinks that the government wants to maintain good relations with the Netanyahu government in order to underscore its nationalist ideology, but at the same time, pre-empt accusations of anti-Semitism. At the same time, Tóth accuses the government of using traditional anti-Semitic stereotypes in its anti-Soros and anti-globalist campaign. In an aside, Tóth admits that the European radical Left’s anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli rhetoric helps the Hungarian government in its efforts to accuse the Hungarian Left of anti-Semitism.

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