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A left-wing perspective on Barcelona terror

August 21st, 2017

A left-wing commentator interprets the Barcelona attacks as proof that it is futile to restrict basic democratic liberties, as there is no silver bullet against terrorist violence.

In Népszava, Tamás Rónay thinks that the main lesson of the Barcelona attacks is that security cannot be taken for granted in any modern society. The left-wing columnist recalls that immigrants are mostly integrated in Spain and only a small fraction of Muslims endorse radical groups. Nonetheless, Barcelona has become a stronghold of radical Salafism, Rónay adds. He goes on to note that the Spanish authorities have tried their best to roll back terrorist organizations. Rónay concludes by suggesting that it is not possible to fully rule out terrorism, and welcomes the massage of the demonstrators in Barcelona who expressed their willingness to keep the city open and welcoming. Curtailing democratic rights in order to strengthen security would play into the hands of radicals, Rónay believes.

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