October 9th, 2015
As Prime Minister Orbán convenes a meeting of the floor leaders of all Parliamentary factions to discuss Hungary’s response to the migrant quotas imposed by the European Union on EU member countries, against the resistance of the Visegrad Four, a left-wing analyst thinks it was a mistake on the part of opposition leaders to accept the invitation without preconditions.
In Népszava, Péter Németh thinks that by inviting opposition floor leaders for the second time this year, the Prime Minister set a trap for them. Had they refused the invitation, they could be accused of partisanship over issues of national importance. By accepting it, they exposed themselves to harsh criticism from Ferenc Gyurcsány, who was not invited because his Democratic Coalition party doesn’t have enough MPs to form a Parliamentary group. Mr Gyurcsány accused the participants of playing Mr Orbán’s game. Németh himself believes they were right in accepting the invitation but should have demanded to discuss the whole migration issue, not just the quota system and required a pledge from the Prime Minister to reach a consensus with them.
Tags: migration, opposition, Orbán