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Hard to stop this wave of migration

June 5th, 2015

A former high ranking intelligence officer calls on the  West to launch massive non-profit investment programs in the Third World, as the only way to stop the current wave of migration to the north which is a serious threat to societies in the northern hemisphere.

In Napi Gazdaság, László Földi a former director of Hungary’s foreign intelligence service thinks people should basically be enabled to find decent living conditions in their own regions because massive transfusions of populations into other civilisations are bound to create insurmountable problems for all communities. In addition, he is convinced that terrorist organisations have strong links with the human traffickers who transport illegal migrants across the seas and fears that massive migration will lead to new acts of terror. Secret services have warned governments of such dangers years ago, but the European Union has no intelligence or counter-espionage agencies and may lack solid information about such dangers. Földi thinks the West should realise that instead of concentrating on growth, it should devote huge resources to development projects in underdeveloped countries to enable those peoples to live decent lives in their own countries.


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