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Parliament passes the 9th Amendment to the Fundamental Law

Thursday, December 17th, 2020

While the opposition concentrates its critique of the constitutional amendments on gay rights, a centrist political analyst believes they have picked the wrong target. READ MORE

Conflicting takes on Hungary’s coronavirus balance sheet

Monday, November 16th, 2020

Left-wing and liberal commentators accuse the government of risking the lives of Hungarians by mishandling the coronavirus epidemic. Pro-government columnists, on the other hand, dismiss such criticism as fear-mongering demagoguery. READ MORE

Government to amend the constitution

Friday, November 13th, 2020

A conservative commentator lambasts the government’s proposed 9th amendment to the Fundamental Law, fearing that it will make it easier to channel pubic money to pro-government foundations. A pro-government columnist welcomes the proposed amendments that aim to defend Christian and traditional family and gender values. READ MORE

Dispute over constitutional amendments

Monday, June 18th, 2018

A Marxist philosopher excoriates the government’s proposed constitutional amendments and accuses the government of ethnic nationalist politics as well as the uprooting of the rule of law. A conservative lawyer, on the other hand, thinks that the defence of Hungary’s ethnic composition and constitutional identity is necessary to strengthen democracy. READ MORE

Fidesz to ban living in public space

Friday, June 15th, 2018

As Fidesz MPs ask the government to introduce a constitutional ban on sleeping rough regularly and living on the streets in general, a left-wing Christian pundit finds the proposal inhumane, while a pro-government columnist welcomes it. READ MORE

Constitutional Court says EU cannot violate Hungarian sovereignty

Monday, December 5th, 2016

As the Constitutional Court vindicates Hungary’s right to check any EU rule including mandatory migrant redistribution, a conservative columnist contends that the quota referendum was much ado for nothing. READ MORE

Jobbik to table constitutional amendment

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

A pro-government pundit dismisses as a stunt Jobbik’s plan to submit the somewhat revised constitutional amendments it rejected last week in Parliament. A liberal columnist thinks Jobbik’s move will give Fidesz a headache. READ MORE

Constitutional amendment stuck

Thursday, November 10th, 2016

Commentators are divided over whether or not the failure of a constitutional amendment proposed by the government, which would have barred the settlement of groups of non-EU citizens outside the normal immigration procedures, was a defeat for the Prime Minister. READ MORE

PM Orbán tables constitutional amendments

Saturday, October 15th, 2016

As the Hungarian Prime Minister submits the draft of constitutional amendments to Parliament in order to pre-empt mandatory EU migrant redistribution, commentators wonder if and how Hungary’s “constitutional identity” should or could be protected by law. READ MORE

PM Orbán’s plan to amend the Constitution

Thursday, October 6th, 2016

Commentators on the Right and Left disagree on whether or not the Prime Minister’s plan to amend Hungary’s Fundamental Law in order to rule out mandatory EU migrant redistribution reflects the will of the people. READ MORE