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Hungary missing from Biden’s ’Summit for Democracy’

Saturday, April 1st, 2023

A liberal analyst sees Hungary’s frequent digressions from joint western geopolitical initiatives as the main reason why it was not invited (for the second time, after 2021) to the virtual ‘Summit for Democracy’ chaired by US President Joe Biden. READ MORE

US ambassador criticises Hungary’s stance on Ukraine

Tuesday, February 7th, 2023

A pro-government columnist believes that the US ambassador is motivated by an excessive thirst for publicity, while a left-wing analyst shares the opinion of the American diplomat. READ MORE

Conflicting views on Hungary’s place in the world

Tuesday, January 10th, 2023

A speech by Prime Minister Orbán about Hungary’s efforts to avoid a new cold war and another by US Ambassador David Pressman exhorting ‘everyone to make their choice’ have prompted widely disparate commentaries from left-wing and pro-government columnists. READ MORE

Row continues over judges visiting the US embassy

Friday, November 4th, 2022

A left-wing commentator finds the accusations levelled at the two judges who met the US ambassador ridiculous, while a pro-government columnist condemns leftist outlets who take up the defence of the two judges as biased. READ MORE

Further reactions to the US Embassy Twitter video

Friday, October 21st, 2022

Two authors mentioned in the video reject it as an example of a patronizing US attitude. A left-wing commentator asserts that frictions with the United States are not in Hungary’s best interest. READ MORE