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Pride week rainbow flags stripped from city council buildings

As police launch a criminal procedure against a far-right former MP who stripped off the LGBT rainbow flag from two district council buildings,  a conservative critic of the government doubts whether exhibiting the flag was a wise move on the part of opposition city leaders.

Jobbik MP suggests suffrage based on educational achievement

After a prominent Jobbik MP suggested that people who have not completed eight years of basic schooling should not be allowed to vote, commentators agree that the proposal is out of touch with modern times, but might be revealing about just how far Jobbik’s move to the centre has gone. ...

Jobbik MP’s anti-Roma slant

The leading left-wing daily slams the main left-wing parties for what it calls opportunistic complacency, as they criticize a far-right politician for his anti-Roma slant.

Orbán compensates Alföldi with a new theatre

One left-liberal commentator finds Orbán's sudden embrace of Alföldi just another publicity stunt, while another pokes fun at Jobbik who suspect “a homosexual or Jewish” lobby in the background.

Will Jobbik split?

Commentators on both the left and right agree that recent scandals affecting Jobbik indicate grave conflicts and deep rifts within the far-right party. Analysts contend that this could foreshadow either its split or decline .