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Anti-government protests running out of steam

January 28th, 2019

A left-wing columnist suggests that the demonstrations against the government’s so-called ‘slave law’ are losing momentum.

Népszava’s Péter Németh finds that anti-government demonstrators are losing stamina. Németh recalls that many on the Left, including himself, were highly hopeful that the new wave of anti-government protests would achieve more than similar efforts had in the past eight years. Németh was optimistic that ‘daily frustration’ would make Hungarians join the demonstrations and force the government to step down. Németh acknowledges that there is no sign that the opposition has managed to mobilize Hungarians enough to stir ‘revolutionary sentiments’. Unless the opposition finds a proper leader that the masses are willing to follow, it is unlikely that it can credibly challenge the government, Németh concludes.

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