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January 30th, 2012
Left wing newspapers remain highly critical of the government's economic policy and of Minister György Matolcsy personally, after a week which witnessed PM Viktor Orbán meeting EC President José Manuel Barroso, the IMF issuing its annual Staff Report and Mr Matolcsy facing the Economic Committee of Parliament. Pro-government columnists talk ...
January 13th, 2012
Now that the European Commission has demanded a U-turn from Hungary in her legislative and political course, commentators ponder what the possible consequences are, who is at fault and what should be done.
January 6th, 2012
The Forint stopped sinking on Thursday after a soothing statement by the Hungarian IMF negotiator. Prior to that statement, commentators from both right and left warned that the government should be more cooperative with the EU and the IMF in order to restore the confidence of international investors.