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Orbán’s tactics over the EU pact

December 13th, 2011

Analysts across the political spectrum criticize the Prime Minister’s controversial message after last week’s European summit. A left-wing commentator, however, finds Orbán’s strategy reasonable and believes the PM’s apparent inconsistency is motivated by the expectations of the public.

In Népszbadság, Róbert Friss contends that what looks like inconsistency is actually a pre-meditated strategy aimed at sharing the blame for the economic hardships with the opposition. The Prime Minister expects the left-wing opposition to support the pact of financial rigour adopted by the Euro-zone countries, which will make it difficult for them to criticise the planned severe budget cuts next year. Far right Jobbik will, of course, reject it, which will offer an opportunity for the premier to finally dissociate himself from them.

In Heti Válasz Bálint Ablonczy fiercely criticises the recent uncertainties in government communications. Ablonczy believes that the U-turn which made negotiations with the IMF possible, the deferral of the introduction of the debt ceiling regulation that should have come into effect from the next year, and the recent resignation of the Minister for National Development (see BudaPost December 9) all significantly undermine the credibility of the government.

Ablonczy admits that the government has to improvise because of the financial crisis, but  finds it unacceptable nevertheless that its actions are becoming more and more haphazard and inconsistent.

Interestingly, a left-wing commentator defends the Prime Minister. “One should not attack Orbán for just obeying the law,” Győző Mátyás remarks in 168 Óra. He points out that the Prime Minister actually has no other choice but to turn to Parliament for authorization before signing the EU pact.

“The charge of EU-scepticism so commonly levelled against Orbán is an exaggeration,” the left-wing columnist adds. According to Mátyás, Orbán is fully aware that for Hungary it is vital to co-operate with the EU, but the PM also knows that he needs the EU-sceptic rhetoric to boost his popularity “among Hungarians constantly licking their wounds and in a country which is a complete socio-psychological case study”.

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